Saturday 25 June 2011

Why small changes

Switching a light off when leaving a room will not make a big change in your wealth, this is probably why most people don`t do it. They think it doesn`t matter. Walk past the TV left on standby, turn your heating up a little, hammer your car while driving to work, buy a latte on the way in, get a meal deal for dinner, smoke 30 cigs all these things don`t matter. What we all do is go through each day saying these things don`t matter because individually they don`t add up to much. we spend our lives doing things which we convince ourselves won`t harm us.Turn off the tap, stop money dripping away. Learn how to reverse the process of doing small things that damage your wealth. Begin to make small changes that improve your wealth. Cutting out on a meal deal today won`t make you rich the same as by buying a meal deal today won`t make you poor. That £5.00 a day won`t change my life you convince yourself. But it will, £5.00 savings a day can be invested and using the magic of compound interest  turned in to over one million pounds in forty years

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