Saturday 25 June 2011

Light bulb moment

A light bulb moment is when you have a sudden realisation about something
There is so much information available today about how to become wealthy and how to get out of debt it seems that it is easy for everyone to become rich. Why is it that 95 % of people are struggling and appear to be going backwards rather than accumulating wealth. The problem lies not in what to do but how can we do it. It is easy to say keep a spending diary, write a budget or pay this debt of first but in reality everyone starts with good intentions then gives in within a couple of weeks.
Armchair wealth is about making small changes to your lifestyle which over a period of time will make huge differences to your well being. Make just a few small changes each day, each week, so small that no one will notice the difference. Compounded over time these small changes will bring huge results.

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