Sunday 26 June 2011

How to make a million pounds

 Did you know that saving five pounds a day for forty years would, with the miracle of compound interest earn you £1 million

Where does my money go

Notice how your money seems to evaporate, as soon as you get paid it seems to disappear at an alarming rate and very soon its the 7th of the month and you realise that you haven`t got enough money left to last to the end of the month. This is happening to 95% of the population every month and they seem to bury their heads in the sand and do very little to change because the problem seems to hard to solve. The easy answer is get a loan to help me by, its so easy one phone call, they will even fill the form in for me and guess what I can have a bit extra to show off to my workmates that all my finances are under control. Warning ! getting a loan is not the answer, it just makes the problem worse. The magic solution is to make small changes. Cutting back on spending is the same as getting a pay rise, its the same as getting a loan. small changes to your spening habits WILL make a massive difference to your financial well being over time.

The secret

The secret is to change the way you think, no amount of how to books will help you change unless you can change your mind set. How many times have you read a how to book or read an how to article on something like loosing weight , been fully motivated you set off trying and follow the diet but fail after a few days. If how to books were the answer or the latest crash diet was the answer it would be easy and we would all be slim. All the information is available for us to achieve what we want. The information is available in books online and from loads of different sources so why is it so hard to achieve success ?

The big break through

When we read our how to books on saving money we are looking for the big break through, we read about losing weight and crave for an instant reduction. In reality it will take time to loose weight. When we try to improve our financial well being all the information about saving money we need is out there , how to reduce your phone bill, how to reduce your debt, how to save on your shopping just look at all the information on money saving expert. So why is it so hard to improve

Dont look for the big break through

Rather than keep looking for a big breakthrough think about how you can improve your financial well being by making small changes. By changing the way you think its possible to achieve great things. By looking for the big breakthrough by hoping your lottery numbers come up, by hoping your bets come in is looking for a day that doesn`t exist. Some day I`ll be rich, some day I`ll win the lottery, some day I`ll be free of debt the trouble is some day never comes, the big breakthrough never happens.
Learn to make small positive changes to your financial well being every day and every week and you will , over time achieve massive improvements. Change the way you think saving money and being better off is about making those small changes.

Small Changes

By making small changes on a regular basis it is easy to make a huge impact on your wealth over time. Rather than setting budgets and keeping diaries which in most cases are doomed to fail concentrate on just a improving certain areas of your life and massive results will follow.

1. De-clutter
2. Reduce spending
3. Get out of debt
4. Increase your income
5. Save

Saturday 25 June 2011

Light bulb moment

A light bulb moment is when you have a sudden realisation about something
There is so much information available today about how to become wealthy and how to get out of debt it seems that it is easy for everyone to become rich. Why is it that 95 % of people are struggling and appear to be going backwards rather than accumulating wealth. The problem lies not in what to do but how can we do it. It is easy to say keep a spending diary, write a budget or pay this debt of first but in reality everyone starts with good intentions then gives in within a couple of weeks.
Armchair wealth is about making small changes to your lifestyle which over a period of time will make huge differences to your well being. Make just a few small changes each day, each week, so small that no one will notice the difference. Compounded over time these small changes will bring huge results.

Why small changes

Switching a light off when leaving a room will not make a big change in your wealth, this is probably why most people don`t do it. They think it doesn`t matter. Walk past the TV left on standby, turn your heating up a little, hammer your car while driving to work, buy a latte on the way in, get a meal deal for dinner, smoke 30 cigs all these things don`t matter. What we all do is go through each day saying these things don`t matter because individually they don`t add up to much. we spend our lives doing things which we convince ourselves won`t harm us.Turn off the tap, stop money dripping away. Learn how to reverse the process of doing small things that damage your wealth. Begin to make small changes that improve your wealth. Cutting out on a meal deal today won`t make you rich the same as by buying a meal deal today won`t make you poor. That £5.00 a day won`t change my life you convince yourself. But it will, £5.00 savings a day can be invested and using the magic of compound interest  turned in to over one million pounds in forty years