Wednesday 4 January 2012

Getting to number 1 on google #2

Submit store to search engines.

Getting to number 1 on google #1

Step 1

Write a press release., an online wholesaler of jewellery findings, announces the opening of its new online shop . The store will showcase a selection of exclusive products sure to please every jewellery making and craft enthusiast. Visitors to the online store  can purchase a variety of specialized jewellery findings at low prices. offer fast dispatch and a money back guarantee.
The store has been redesigned in the company colours of red and black and new products at fantastic prices are being added daily. Whether you are just starting out or you are an experienced craft person you will find ourspeedy dispatch and low prices will help you grow your business. Founded in 2009, Moonj products can be found on either our new site or special offers can be viewed here.

Monday 2 January 2012

De Clutter

A new year and a fresh start, the first change to make to bring about wealth is to de clutter

Sunday 26 June 2011

How to make a million pounds

 Did you know that saving five pounds a day for forty years would, with the miracle of compound interest earn you £1 million

Where does my money go

Notice how your money seems to evaporate, as soon as you get paid it seems to disappear at an alarming rate and very soon its the 7th of the month and you realise that you haven`t got enough money left to last to the end of the month. This is happening to 95% of the population every month and they seem to bury their heads in the sand and do very little to change because the problem seems to hard to solve. The easy answer is get a loan to help me by, its so easy one phone call, they will even fill the form in for me and guess what I can have a bit extra to show off to my workmates that all my finances are under control. Warning ! getting a loan is not the answer, it just makes the problem worse. The magic solution is to make small changes. Cutting back on spending is the same as getting a pay rise, its the same as getting a loan. small changes to your spening habits WILL make a massive difference to your financial well being over time.

The secret

The secret is to change the way you think, no amount of how to books will help you change unless you can change your mind set. How many times have you read a how to book or read an how to article on something like loosing weight , been fully motivated you set off trying and follow the diet but fail after a few days. If how to books were the answer or the latest crash diet was the answer it would be easy and we would all be slim. All the information is available for us to achieve what we want. The information is available in books online and from loads of different sources so why is it so hard to achieve success ?

The big break through

When we read our how to books on saving money we are looking for the big break through, we read about losing weight and crave for an instant reduction. In reality it will take time to loose weight. When we try to improve our financial well being all the information about saving money we need is out there , how to reduce your phone bill, how to reduce your debt, how to save on your shopping just look at all the information on money saving expert. So why is it so hard to improve